It was a hot day for the 2nd Annual Doumitt Classic at Scappoose Bay. Some nice walleye were caught including five by Paul Ingraham’s boat with anglers Paul, Jana Mann and John Wheeler. It was also fitting that both Herb and Carol Doumitt caught walleye at the Doumitt Classic.

With temperatures in the 90s, twenty-eight Club members huddled in the shade around the Doumitt RV to enjoy grilled hot dogs, chips and cold bottled water. (The covered pavilion had been reserved for the whole weekend for a family reunion and was not available for us to use.)
Our thanks to Rhine and Bill for organizing food and cold drinks following the fish-in and to Jana Mann for bringing ice cream sandwiches to cool us off.
Special bags of treats were given to each of the ten members who signed up for the fish-in using the electronic signup sheet. The importance of the signup sheet became very evident when we ran out of hot dogs before everyone was fed!